Language proficiency is critical for the success of emergent bilinguals. Western Heights School District in Oklahoma City recognized the importance of providing intentional support and tools to enable their EBs to grow faster and do better on the WIDA test. In pursuit of this objective, the district implemented the Little Sponges® language development program in the 2022-2023 academic school year. This blog post delves into the case study of Little Sponges implementation at Western Heights School District, highlighting key insights, and the remarkable results.
Background: Challenges and Goals
Before integrating Little Sponges® into their curriculum, Western Heights School District encountered challenges in helping their emergent bilingual students reach the proficiency level required to exit the EB program successfully. Zero students were making progress as indicated by WIDA test scores.
Their specific goals were to:
- Help students score 4.8 or above on the WIDA test and exit the EB program faster.
- Develop cultural awareness and English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Measure ongoing progress and gain actionable insights from real-time data.
- Reduce teacher burden by providing lessons and assessments aligned with WIDA standards.
Little Sponges® Implementation
Western Heights School District adopted the Little Sponges® language learning program in the 2022-2023 school year. This program was introduced across all four elementary schools: Winds West, John Glenn, Greenvale, and Council Grove. The goal of the implementation was to give teachers effective tools to support English Language Learners and help them develop their English skills faster.
Implementation Results: Remarkable WIDA Progress
The implementation of Little Sponges® yielded remarkable results, transforming student growth within the district. Emergent bilinguals demonstrated unprecedented growth in language proficiency across all four elementary schools. Also, schools that used the program the most had the highest growth on the WIDA test. This shows direct correlation between the amount of time the Little Sponges program used and the increase in students’ WIDA test scores.
Winds West Elementary School:
● 21-22 WIDA to 22-23 WIDA: 52 out of 55 kids showed growth (95%)
● 32 students moved up one language acquisition band
● 6 students moved up two bands
● 14 students showed growth within their current band
John Glenn Elementary School:
● 21-22 WIDA to 22-23 WIDA: 79 out of 92 kids showed growth (86%)
● 40 students moved up one language acquisition band
● 14 students moved up two bands
● 25 students showed growth within their current band
Greenvale Elementary School:
● 21-22 WIDA to 22-23 WIDA: 41 out of 43 kids showed growth (95%)
● 22 students moved up one language acquisition band
● 6 students moved up two bands
● 11 students showed growth within their current band
Council Grove Elementary School:
● 21-22 WIDA to 22-23 WIDA: 52 out of 62 kids showed growth (84%)
● 33 students moved up one language acquisition band
● 5 students moved up two bands
● 14 students showed growth within their current band
The Impact:
The implementation of Little Sponges® resulted in substantial growth in language acquisition, academic performance and exit scores for EBs at Western Heights School District. The academic year 2022-2023 marked a momentous achievement: 90% of students in 4 elementary schools demonstrated substantial growth (based on the WIDA test results). This accomplishment was a stark contrast to previous years when students had struggled to make any progress.
Furthermore, multilingual students outperformed their monolingual peers on state tests, underscoring the positive impact of incorporating Little Sponges® for language development and content instruction.
"Little Sponges was an essential factor in driving this incredible growth! Little Sponges enabled our teachers and helped our students achieve their goals."
Ms. Nicole Amzycki, Western Heights EL and Testing Coordinator
Conclusion: Close the Achievement Gap for EBs using Little Sponges®
The implementation of the Little Sponges® program delivered remarkable improvements in language acquisition, enabling students to excel in their academic pursuits. With 90% of students demonstrating substantial growth, the program’s impact was undeniable. Through the integration of Little Sponges®, Western Heights School District successfully empowered their EB students, setting them on a trajectory toward academic excellence.